Term 4, Week 7, 2019 (25 November 2019)

He mihi mahana ki a koutou katoa - warm greetings to all!

School Donation

Thank you to the families who have paid their 2019 school donations. We are reliant on this income to subsidise our learning programmes and to provide the extras that allow a rich and engaging curriculum. If you haven't made a donation this year and you are able to do so before the end of the school year, we would greatly appreciate it. All school donations are tax-deductible. (Voluntary Donations)

Scholastic Book Fair finishes 3.30pm Tues 26th Nov

Production Rehearsal - Tuesday 10th December

On Tuesday students will be attending the rehearsal at Wellington High School. We are going by bus.
9.15am to 11.30am - Tūi, Kōtare, Ruru, Jump Jammers and Year 7 & 8s with speaking parts.
12noon to 2.45pm - Kūkupa and Kākā.

Performance - Tuesday 10th December - Wellington High School - 6 to 8pm.

Upcoming Building Work

To keep up to date with the plans and building work you can view this building diary. If you would like to see the plans in person they are up on the windows of Te Wharenui and in the Room 1 (Tui) windows.

Homestay for our Mandarin Teacher

Next year we will have a new Mandarin Language Assistant. She is called Wu Fan and is from Shaanxi Normal University in Xi'an. Her interests include jogging, climbing mountains, English movies, chess, calligraphy and classical Chinese dance. She will arrive in mid February. In 2019 the average cost of home stay accommodation (full room and board, with 3 meals provided) is between $150 - $250 per week, depending on the location. If you are interested in hosting our next MLA please email sarah@ridgway.school.nz.

Education Outside The Classroom (EOTC) and Sun Safety Policies

These policies are up for review and can be seen on the SchoolDocs Website. You can view all the policy documents at any time and are able to contribute your views and comments using the feedback button on the School Docs website. User name: Ridgway Password RRRR

Final Assemblies - Tuesday 17 December

This year we are having two final assemblies. One for the junior school (Year 1-3) in the morning on Tuesday 17 December at 9.15 and then one for the senior school (Year 4-8) in the afternoon at 2pm. This is the last normal school day for the year. While school is open on Wednesday 18 December, this is a clean up / tidy up day.

BYOD (Bring Your Own Device)

BYOD is required for all Year 6-8 students and it is recommended for Year 4-5 students. We recommend Chromebooks as these are cheap to buy, and work well with our school systems for monitoring the work that children do online and their browsing activity.

You can have a look here to see some different options for devices. The password is TZQA4G

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