Enrolment Information

We welcome new enrolments at Te Kura o Tawatawa - Ridgway School from whānau living within our home zone. For general enquiries about enrolment, please email office@ridgway.school.nz

Tawatawa - Ridgway’s home zone includes Kingston, Mornington, most of Vogeltown, and the southern end of Brooklyn. We invite whānau living in these areas to enrol with us and join our Tawatawa - Ridgway community. 

View our online zone map
See a list of streets included in our zone
Out of zone enrolments 

French speaking whānau who value bilingual education (French and English) but live outside of our zone may apply for a place in our bilingual unit. See our Ruru La Chouette page for more details.

Walk ‘n’ Talk

Parents of children eligible to enrol are invited to meet with the principal for a Walk ‘n’ Talk. These half hour meetings provide you with an opportunity to view the school and ask questions about it before making a decision to enrol your child. There will usually be more than one family at each Walk ‘n’ Talk. 

Walk ‘n’ Talk’s are held on Tuesdays from 10am - 10:30am. To book into one of these, please email the office. 

Term 1 2024

20th February
5th March
19th March
9th April

Term 2 2024

7th May 
21st May
4th June
18th June
2nd July

How to enrol

To enrol your tamariki at Tawatawa - Ridgway in either our mainstream classes, or in our French-English bilingual class, send a completed enrolment form to the office. We now use an online enrolment form which is linked below. You can also pop into the school office (Mon - Fri  8:30am - 3:30pm) to chat with the office staff about enrolment. 

From the beginning of 2023, all new entrants will start in a cohort group on a set date, instead of on their fifth birthday. You can check the dates for cohort entry here.  

Online Enrolment Form

Ruru La Chouette Interest Form - if you are wanting to enrol your child into our French bilingual programme you must complete this interest form.

Please note that enrolment is not complete until our enrolment officers have sighted proof of residence within our home zone, the child’s birth certificate, and immunisation records. 

Proof of residence can be a utilities bill, rates notice, tenancy agreement etc., so long as it shows the address in the name of one parent/caregiver.

School visits

We encourage tamariki approaching school age (around 4 years 10 months) to make in class school visits with their parent or caregiver. These visits are beneficial for helping tamariki become familiar with school, and for parents to get to know the school and teachers. Once we have received your enrolment form, we can book you into pre-school visits. 

We have two pre-school visits leading up to each cohort entry date. These all go from 8:40am - 9:20am. 

Pre-school visits for Cohort Entry 2024

Term 1 - Thursday 1 February  Friday 24 November 2023 Friday 1 December 2023
Mid Term 1 - Monday 11 March Friday 1 March Friday 8 March
Term 2 - Monday 29 April Friday 5 April Friday 12 April
Mid Term 2 - Tuesday 4 June Friday 24 May Thursday 30 May
Term 3 - Monday 22 July Thursday 27 June Friday 5 July
Mid Term 3 - Monday 26 August Friday 16 August Thursday 22 August
Term 4 - Monday 14 October Friday 20 September Friday 27 September
Mid Term 4 - Monday 18 November Friday 8 November Friday 15 November

Please note that the parent or caregiver must be on site during these visits. Parents are invited to meet with the principal or deputy principal for some of the time that tamariki are with the class.

Important information:

Below are links to a wide range of information. On the first day of kura our students will need to have their stationery items and a signed ICT user agreement. 

Cohort entry

Lunches and healthy eating

ICT User agreement

Stationery lists 2024

Medicine authority form

Allergy plan 

Asthma plan

Financial contributions

Emergency kai information

Vison and hearing programme 

Lunchonline ordering link

After school care, music lessons, chess club

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