What is BYOD?

BYOD stands for Bring Your Own Device.

BYOD describes students bringing their own device to school use each day, in the same way that they bring their own books and pens.

Are Chromebooks the only option?


Is it compulsory to BYOD? What if I can't afford to buy a device?

BYOD is not compulsory.

We encourage all students in Years 4 & 5 to BYOD, and recommend all students in Years 6 - 8 BYOD.

We have a set of 10 for Kērerū (Year 5-6) a set of 30 for Tūi to use (Year 3 - 4) but year 7&8 are expected to have their own device.

If all students in each whānau were relying on school Chromebooks, they would only have limited access. The more students able to BYOD, the greater the availability of devices for all students. When the majority of students BYOD, all students benefit. It means that everyone can access a device when they need it, rather than having to wait until someone else is finished.

Why doesn't the school provide devices for all tamariki?

We simply cannot afford to supply a device for every student.

If we tried to, other aspects of our curriculum would be limited.

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