
Friday 23 June

He mihi mahana ki a koutou katoa
Bonjour à toutes nos familles

Market Day

This is coming up on Tuesday. Children (and their families) will need to buy tickets from the office in order to buy anything at the Market Day.  You can buy these anytime the office is open. 

Noho marae

We had an awesome noho marae this week!  Massive thank you to all the wonderful parents who helped out.  The kitchen staff (head chef Jo Pohatu and sous chef Claire Bentley) were wonderful and all the parents pitched in and helped out with everything.  We are so grateful to have such a fabulous bunch of parents at this school. 

The next day we went on a walking tour around the local area, visiting sculptures and landmarks. If your child went, ask them to take you and show you all the things they learned.  

The sleeping situation went as expected with the usual whispering, torch activities, snuffling and snoring. I had a great sleep though and didn’t hear any of it.  (I didn’t stay the night.)

Ridgway T-shirts

If your child has borrowed a blue Ridgway t-shirt and isn’t carrying on with basketball/netball next term, please wash and return it to the office before the end of this term.

The sickness continues

We are doing it tough at school at the moment with a high number of teacher and teacher aide absences.  Teachers end up having to cover each other and teacher aides, as relievers are very thin on the ground. We have loads of children coming to school when they are not well too…. and there we were thinking COVID was all done and dusted and we could move on with our lives and now we are getting hammered with brutal flus (flues? flooze?) and gastro-bugs!  Yuck! Organisationally it is tricky managing this and has a flow on effect on the teaching and learning across the school. Fingers crossed the holidays bring a reset and we return to Term 3 in full health. 

Scholastic Book Fair 

This is on Wednesday and Thursday afternoon until 3:30pm, and 9 - 3 on Friday. Eftpos only. You will be able to see all the books out on display when you come to your child’s Learning Conference. What a segway to the next heading!

Learning Conferences

Please book in for these as they are next week! This is the time to chat to the teacher about where your child is at and find out next steps for their learning. Book in here (code 4k4e2).

Visit our  Community News and Events page for community events.

Ngā mihi nui.

Sarah Patterson

Deputy Principal

Ridgway School

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