
Friday 2 June

He mihi mahana ki a koutou katoa
Bonjour à toutes nos familles

Upcoming Learning Conferences

At the end of the term we are holding learning conferences.  These conferences are where you meet with your child’s kaitiaki teacher for 15 minutes and discuss where your child is at with their learning, where to next for their learning and how to help them at home. They are from 3.30 - 8pm on Thursday 29  June and from 8am - 4pm on Friday 30 June (as this is a teacher only day and school is closed). 

Confused?  Looking for love in all the wrong places?

If you’re new to the school (or not) and can’t find out what you need to know or aren’t sure about something, please contact the office and either the lovely Raelene or Nicole are more than happy to help you out.  If you need to know, chances are someone else does too so don’t be shy. No need to die wondering, ask our fabulous office legends instead! 

School Photos

These take place over two days, Thursday 8th and Friday 9th June. Out of school sibling photos will be taken at 8:30am Thursday. See the rest of the timetable below. 

Is it a slide? No. No it’s not. 

The slide builders are erecting a debris shoot to get earth from the top to the bottom of the bank. If you’re here over the weekend you may want to keep an eye on your children and make sure they’re not using it like a slide!

Upcoming Events

5 June - King’s Birthday Public Holiday

8 and 9 June - School Photos

9 June - Year 7 & 8 Immunisations

20-21 June - Noho Marae Year 4 - 6 at Pipitea 

23 June - French Film Festival 

27 June - Market Day

28 - 30 June - Scholastic Book Fair

29 June - Last day of term and end of term assembly at 9.15

30 June - Teacher Only Day, Learning Conferences all day

20 July 5.30 - 7.30pm - Matariki Celebration at school

Ngā mihi,
Sarah Patterson
Deputy Principal
Te Kura o Tawatawa - Ridgway School

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