
Wednesday 5 April

He mihi mahana ki a koutou katoa
Bonjour à toutes nos familles

Teacher Only Day Thursday 6 April and and Monday 24 April

Just a reminder that school is closed tomorrow and Monday 24th and we reopen on Wednesday 26 April. 

Bake sale

Yesterday’s Bake Sale was an amazing success!  The children raised over $200 for Zealandia!  Thanks so much to everyone for their support of this event. 

Our Kids Online

Some parents have been asking so here is the link to the resources for the Our Kids Online information. You can fnd some great videos that are well worth watching. 

Traffic Safety for Tamariki and Whānau: school community meeting

Last week, some parents met to discuss traffic safety. Here is a summary. 

Purpose: Our school zone is a safe place for people of all ages to move around, using their choice of transport. 

How we will achieve our purpose: we are the easiest school to work with on traffic safety issues - whether you are a public sector professional, teacher, a parent or child. We want everyone to feel positive about playing their part.

Update on a recent meeting with WCC

WCC have responded positively. They are currently looking at the intersections of Ridgway and Mornington e.g. how kids and parents on bikes safely join traffic, and Farnham and Ridgway which needs thorough investigations. They will also advise us how to manage our drop off areas better. They also let us know about the national plans to reduce speed limits around schools by 2025, and some other upcoming opportunities. Our focus as a school community, is to identify problems and concerns, and then WCC can use their expertise and knowledge of regulations and programmes to support us.  

Parent/caregiver focus:

Challenge: How do we get all whānau to support kids to cross the roads safely? 

Action: We are going to contact WCC to see if they have good resources on traffic safety, for whānau to use at home. 

Challenge: How can parents and staff give feedback on traffic safety concerns, including any difficult conversations?

Action: Ridgway to set up an email address monitored by a parent volunteer. Queries and concerns are triaged, and recorded e.g. Metlink, WCC or Ridgway staff are approached. 

Challenge: How can we ensure our kids have dry clothes to walk home in, after a wet walk to school?

Action: Parent volunteer is going to look at how this can work at school. 

Challenge: How can we highlight to Metlink, that their drivers need to pay careful attention to tamariki walking to and from school - and generally around the suburb

Action: Parent volunteer to contact Metlink to discuss. 

Challenge: How can we support new families  to take care of all tamariki, from the day their whānau joins Ridgway.

Action: Parent volunteers to discuss at their next meeting.

Upcoming Events

Bike Track Refresh:  Sundays 3 - 6pm ( 9 April and 16 April).

6 April: Teacher Only Day - school closed

7 April: Good Friday and start of school holidays

24 April: Teacher Only Day

25 April: Anzac Day

26 April: First day of Term 2

4 May: School Cross Country

16 May: Southern Zones Cross Country

19 May: Pink Shirt Day

Ngā mihi

Sarah Patterson

Deputy Principal

Ridgway School

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