15 February 2020

Achievement in Core Learning Areas 2020

One of the things schools do at the end of every year is to analyse our end of year achievement data and look closely to see which groups and individuals are exceeding, meeting or not quite reaching our expectations. Doing this helps us to identify where we need to put more effort or support in the year to come. It also helps us to see how effective our programmes were, which in turns helps us make decisions about what to keep doing and what to stop.

There were plenty of voices in the media predicting that learning would have suffered greatly from our time in COVID-19 lock down. I don't want to gloss over the impact of Covid for anyone, and I'm well aware that it did create much extra stress and difficulty for families and children in our community. For Ridgway School as a whole however, Covid has not resulted in widespread failure to learn. In fact our patterns of achievement are fairly similar to previous years.

Over 90% of our learners achieved or exceeded the expectation for their year level in reading.
In both writing and maths, 84% of our learners achieved or exceeded the expectations.

These are very pleasing results considering the events of 2020 and we are justifiably proud of both our staff and children for doing so well. It's a credit to all of us in this learning community.

If you'd like to look at a few graphs or read a bit more about achievement of Ruru La Chouette learners or our Māori learners, you may like to read the full Community Summary.

If you've got questions, don't hesitate to get in touch with me.

Kathryn Smith


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