
Friday 10 March

He mihi mahana ki a koutou katoa
Bonjour à toutes nos familles

Teacher Strike - Thursday 16 March - SCHOOL CLOSED 

Teachers have considered at length the offer from the government to settle our collective agreement but unfortunately the offer made did not meet expectations. The funding for our schools is not enough for us to give us the time to support all our tamariki to have a quality education. We also need to attract and retain educators by ensuring that teaching is a valued and attractive profession.  As the offer from the government was inadequate, teachers are taking industrial action and school will be closed on Thursday 16 March.  

While the school are not providing supervision, Enjoy Childcare will be running a day programme at school. Please get in touch with them directly to enrol.  Their email address is

Emergency food supplies

We’d love for you to keep bringing in your emergency food! Non-perishable food can be put in the marked wheelie bins in the Tawa space. 

Movin’ March

So great to see so many of you walking and wheeling your way to school!  Parking wardens have been up and on the hunt and with so many less cars recently there haven’t been any problems which is fantastic.

Upcoming Events

All of March:  Movin’ March

16 March: Teacher's Strike - School closed

23 March: Athletics Day Newtown Park 

6 April: Teacher Only Day

7 April: Good Friday and start of school holidays

Community Notices

Marine Lab Open Day

We will be opening the doors of our marine lab in Island Bay on Saturday (11th) for our annual community day to celebrate NZ Seaweek. 

It’s a fun day for the whole family – a chance to see what research we do down there, meet staff and students, a touch tank and scavenger hunt for the kids, and a chance to see a bit of our marine biology virtual reality experience. There’s a sausage sizzle too of course…

Sarah Patterson
Deputy Principal
Te Kura o Tawatawa - Ridgway School

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