Newsletter - Friday 12 August

He mihi mahana ki a koutou katoa
Bonjour à toutes nos familles

Board of Trustees Election 2022

Declaration of Parent and Staff Election Results.

5 nominations for the 5 places available for parent representatives on the board were received. This means we do not need to go to a Vote.

I hereby declare the following duly elected.

Parent Representatives:

Kayvan Bahraini 

Sophie Hazelhurst

Monica Mireles Serrano

Joanna Lee Mana Pohatu

Adam Smith

Staff Representative:

Sarah Taylor 

Kathryn Smith - Principal

Jessica Wells - Returning Officer

Fundraising lunches

Yesterday was a sausage sizzle, next Thursday we have cheese toasties.  You can order the normal way through lunchonline for this. The cut off for ordering is 9am on Thursday morning. 

Second school photo day

The final day of school photos is Monday.  If you have children who don’t go to this school and want to get a sibling photo, you can come at 8.30 to the Kahikatea space (where the basketball court is).  The in-school sibling photos will happen throughout the day.  

Catch ups with Kathryn and/or Sarah

You are welcome to join us for an informal catch up with coffee on Friday mornings at 9.30 at VBC. Come and meet us for a coffee and a chat! 

Upcoming Events

Term 3: Swimming (Year 1 - 3 Tuesday, Year 4 - 8 Friday)

Monday 15 August: Second school photo day

Tuesday 16 August: Spellathon test (Year 5 - 8)

Thursday 25 August: Bike Monitor Reward Trip

26 August: Orders for Calendar Art due

30 August 6 -  7pm: Supporting your child with anxiety (educational pyschologist session)

31 August - 2 September: Year 5 & 6 Camp at Forest Lakes

12 - 15 September: Year 7 & 8 Camp Makahika

Ngā mihi.
Sarah Taylor
Deputy Principal
Ridgway School

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