Newsletter - Friday 17 June

He mihi mahana ki a koutou katoa
Bonjour à toutes nos familles

Matariki Celebration

As part of our Matariki celebration on Thursday 23rd June we will be making and sharing a hangi. We are asking each child to bring in one or two vegetables that they will prepare and contribute. If you are able to please send your child with 1-2 vegetables (kumara, potato, carrot) and vegetable peeler (named) that would be so wonderful. Peelers will go straight back into their backpacks when they are finished. If you could bring these items in before Thursday 23rd June that will help make our hangi (our first one in years) a success!

We would like to invite whānau to join us (weather permitting) on the court for a kapa haka performance at the end of the day from 2.45pm. If it’s wet, we sadly have no wet weather option (bring on the new building) so fingers crossed for good weather for our celebration. 

PB4L Movie Reward - Thursday 7 July

We are taking the Year 3 - 8s to the Penthouse movie theatre for a PB4L school reward. It is the latest Minions movie which you can read about here. The movie is rated PG and we realise there may be some parents who do not want their children watching a PG rated movie.  There will be adults supervising in the theatre and there is no cost to the children for this. Year 1 - 2 children will be staying at school for their movie reward which will be a G movie. 

If you have an opinion about children watching a PG movie, please get in touch. 

Learning Conferences - 2, 3, 4th August

Please make a note in your diary that we will be holding Learning Conferences on these days. Booking details to come.

Filing cabinets, white cupboards and picnic tables for sale

The filing cabinets and white cupboards are hanging out in the office so feel free to come and have a look if you’re interested. The picnic tables are outside and they are $600 each. 

Upcoming Events

Thursday 23 June:  Matariki Celebration

Friday 24 June: Matariki Public Holiday - School closed

Thursday 7 July: PB4L movie reward

Friday 8 July: Teacher Only Day confirmed - School closed

Term 3: Swimming

Monday 25 July: Opening celebration for our new building, 9am

Wednesday 27 July:  Noho marae Year 4, 5 and 6

Monday 1 August: Kahui ako hui - school shuts at 1pm

2, 3, 4 August: Learning conferences

Monday 8 and Monday 15 August: School photos (note change of date)

31 August - 2 September: Year 5 & 6 Camp at Forest Lakes

7 September: Board Election

12 - 15 September: Year 7 & 8 Camp Makahika


Community Page

You can find out more about what’s happening in the community here

Ngā mihi.

Sarah Taylor

Deputy Principal

Ridgway School

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