Newsletter Friday 27 August 2021 - moving to Level 3

He mihi mahana ki a koutou katoa

As we are likely to move to Alert Level 3 on Wednesday 1 September, school will be able to open in a limited capacity for children whose parents need to physically return to work. At Level 3, people must continue to work from home if they can. We are asking all our families to please fill out this form as soon as possible so we are able to plan for our children and teachers who will be returning to school.

School is not open for 'business as usual' and it will look different to what the children are used to. Those at school will be following the same programmes as those who are learning from home. Last year, Kathryn wrote a blog that included more detail on what school will be like in Level 3. It is still relevant this year so if you are considering sending your children to school, please do read this so you know what to expect.

Coffee Catch Up with Kathryn and Sarah

Apologies if anyone tried to join the chat with Kathryn and Sarah this morning and couldn't be admitted to the meeting. Lovely to see those who did make it! We will continue to have these informal chats a couple of times a week and we invite you to join us. At the moment these are on Monday and Friday mornings at 8.30. If you'd prefer a different time let us know.

Nigel Latta makes everyone feel better!

Here are a couple of Nigel Latta clips from lockdown last year. They address both the role of the home-school parent and also screen time. Wise words from Nigel and well worth a watch!

Nigel and Jacinda talk screen time

Nigel, Jeremy and Hilary gives advice to stressed parents

Ngā mihi

Sarah Taylor

Deputy Principal

Ridgway School

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