Forest Lakes Camp

In even years our Year 5 and Year 6 students go to Forest Lakes Camp.

Teachers select a range of age appropriate activities that will challenge our students and help them to build resilience and resourcefulness.

Notices and Forms for Forest Lakes Camp 2018

Y5&6 camp notice

Parent Consent

Gear List

Health & Medical 

Parent Code of Conduct

Managing risks at camp

There are some risks associated with camp activities which are managed to ensure the safety of everyone. Parents and teachers on camp follow the safety management plans established by Forest Lakes Camp staff. While risks can be maintained to acceptable levels they cannot be totally eliminated. Some risk is retained for its learning and experiential value.

Risk Analysis Management Plans for camp activities and Forest Lake’s Guidelines for Supervisors outlining safety protocols are available for downloading here, or can be viewed on the Teacher and Organiser page on the Forrest Lakes Camp web site.

Forest Lakes Safety Videos

Some of the activities our students will do on camp will be supervised by parent volunteers.  These training videos show parents and students how to enjoy the activity and keep everyone safe.

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